I am a student at York University studying Computer Engineering. Currently, my focus is on Software Development and understanding the intricacies of creating impactful and scalable software - turning passion into impact. Technology has always been my passion. From booting up my first game on Windows XP to building my first computer and website, it is a passion I intend to pursue with full force. I am a lifelong learner, always seeking opportunities to grow, so feel free to reach out to me. I would be happy to have a chat!
There is an unnecessary amount of time spent on searching for goals, rather than carrying them out. The idea behind Soci-al (Social + Goal) is to speed up the process of finding goals, so that you can focus on completing them.
There is a lack of services that provide a quick and easy method of price matching, allowing individuals to find the best price on a particular product among multiple retailors. The goal was to create an application that would allow users to do just that.